

WEB SHOP FLY as is an IATA certified and accredited Czech travel agency with branches in Slovakia.

In your work on preparing your tickets, we process your personal information - that is, information that can be directly or indirectly linked to a particular person, eg with you.

Because there is a theoretical possibility that, for example, state authorities such as the court or the police could order us to link our data with others, which could eventually lead to the disclosure of your name, etc., we behave to these data as if it were for you important and in line with the GDPR Directive.

This means that we only store them as much as we really need for the above reasons. We only store them for as long as necessary. And they are secured so that even in the event of their escape it is not abusive and it has no unfortunate consequences for you.

This implies that data is encrypted wherever possible so that anyone can read it. Only employees who are in need of their work have access to the data. And they are also instructed how to handle the data.

On this page, you’ll find information about what data and for what we’re processing, including information on what you can do if you have any reservations about it. WEB SHOP FLY as respects your choice and your privacy.

What data we consider to be personal

By law, personal data is any data that is linked or can be legally associated with a particular individual.

From the nature of our work, we usually work with names, surnames, dates of birth, and other information needed to book your ticket or other services, including accommodation, and at the same time protect you from possible misuse of your personal information for travel by another unauthorized person. we can get in touch with data that can specifically identify an individual, and we can get in touch with other data that could be used to identify them. This is their list.

IP addresses

Each time you enter any web site, your computer will begin to send information and data to the computer (server) on which the site is located.

Just like we do, we need address and routing numbers to send letters, and computers need it. Each of them, even yours, has their IP address to send to other computers on the Internet.

The IP address looks like this:

This is not the actual address of your home or apartment, but only the number that the computers will know when communicating with each other and without which the internet would not work.

Even though we do not know much about this IP address, the courts have previously decided that this should be seen as personal. This is because, in conjunction with other data, courts or the police or other state authorities could have derived from your IP address the address of your home or apartment.

It is important to realize that almost every website is now composed of many smaller parts, just like the puzzle piece is composed of many pieces. Each of these parts can be processed by another computer (server). With one page visit, your IP address can receive many different computers in many different locations around the world.

In the case of our clients, the site may consist of its own content, such as flight offers, accommodation, insurance, etc. from articles, videos and advertising space. When you enter that site, the IP address of your computer will see not just your client but ours.

Where it is not necessary, we try not to keep the entire IP address. E.g. so we discard the last number of this address. This will prevent any connection with your computer. It’s similar to removing the last number from your home address or zip code. Any shipment would still be delivered to the right city, but not to the right home.

However, it is not always possible. In some cases, such as finding an internet pest or cheater, we need a full IP address.

In cases where we process a full IP address, we treat this IP address and all data associated with it as personal data.

You can not prevent forwarding IP addresses because it is required for the Internet to function as such. If you want, you can hide your real IP address using specialized services. Even these services will see your real IP address.

Web site reader identifiers

Whenever your web browser is communicating on the Web with other computers, they can store short information on your computer.

For example, you can remember that you are already logged in, so you do not have to fill in the credentials. You can use them to preserve your color preferences, backgrounds, and similar personal settings.

WEB SHOP FLY as stores your unique identifier in this way. What we need it for you, and you will read further.

This identifier looks like this: BBID-12345678901234567

So we do not know what your name is, where you live, but we know from it, for example, that we have already seen such an identifier somewhere on some pages.

Please read how we use this identifier. We are convinced that you will find that it is also useful for you.

You can change your unique identifier at any time. This will forever disconnect any data we have stored from you and your computer. It is the same as if we forgot all of you at that moment.

While it is only theoretically possible to associate this identifier with you as a physical person, we behave to all the data that contains it as personal data.

Why WEB SHOP FLY needs personal information

We need most of the data we collect for airlines and hotel chains, or other business partners - insurance companies, etc. In such cases, we are legally considered to be a "data controller".

For further processing and editing of our site, we collect data for our own needs:

Improving our website

As for any business, it is also important for us to know if our web pages are clear, easy to use and help to attract new customers. For this reason, we keep track of the reader’s passage through our site - how it entered, when and how long it went, etc.

This information is kept for 3 months. We are convinced that this is in line with the law, because it is our legitimate interest.


Not everyone approaches our site with good intentions. That is why we keep access to our websites and services to help publicize and prevent various types of attacks. It is also important for us to protect other data we process. We store data such as the number and frequency of access from a particular computer, browser.

This information is kept for 3 months. We are convinced that this is in line with the law, because it is our legitimate interest.

Why do we consider these data to be personal?

Simply because they contain the IP address of your computer.

Your rights

Because we process most of the personal data for airlines, hotels and insurance companies for legitimate reasons of identification and accurate reservation of services for you, you should not have doubts about using this data.

If you are unsure or have any doubts, do not hesitate to contact us. If your question concerns a third party, we will try to help you reach the right recipient.

In cases where we process your personal data for our own purposes, you may contact us with any comments, requests.

In general, you have the following rights as a "data subject", the person whose personal data are processed:

  1. If your consent is required by law to process your data, you are entitled to revoke this consent at any time.
  2. If WEB SHOP FLY is the "manager" of your data, ie if we process data for our own purposes and needs, you have the right to access your personal data and request repairs
  3. You also have other rights, such as the right to delete data, the right to limit processing, the right to object to processing for marketing purposes, the right to transfer your data.
  4. You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data.
  5. You have the right to object to the relevant public authority responsible for the protection of personal data (UOOU).

Please note that most of these rights are subject to various conditions, some of which are listed above.

We have tried to explain why we need to process your personal data. If there is a legal requirement for your explicit consent, THERE IS NOT obliged to give us this consent. If you decide to give us your consent, you have the right to revoke it at any time.

Please note that there are legal grounds for processing your personal information that does not require your consent. For example, we may have a legitimate interest in the processing of some personal data for reasons of data security. In these cases, we are still required to inform you of the purposes of this processing. This is the content of these pages.

If you revoke your consent, we will cease processing your personal data for purposes that require revocation.

If you would like to withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal information, you may do so:

  1. by e-mail to
  2. writing to: see the contact page

In the case of any queries or needs of information regarding the protection of personal data, the withdrawal of consent, or in the case of any complaints, please contact us by the methods described above.


Please note that precise legal definitions are not used here. We try to explain the situation clearly.

Right interest

The GDPR directive allows you to manage your personal information for several reasons. One of them is a legitimate interest. In essence, if you do not suffer any significant damage on our part by processing these data while doing so in our business as a business, we have the right to process your data for that purpose.

For some purposes, processing of your personal data requires the explicit informed consent of the data subject, that is you. This is especially the case where you do not expect such processing, or if personal data processing can significantly affect your life or other rights.


The Privacy Controller is the one who decides on the fact that some personal data will be processed, why, and for what purpose. For the processing of these data, the administrator can hire a third party to process the data. This third party is then called Processor.


The processor is someone who processes personal data on behalf of the administrator. In this case, the processor only fulfills the administrator’s assignment and does not have his interest in the processing of personal data.


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