This website uses cookies

This WEB SHOP FLY website uses cookies to ensure the best possible experience when visiting our website, by personalizing content and ads, providing social media features, analyzing traffic, and remembering login information, which does not need to be repeated. We share the information how you use our site with our partners for social media, advertisement, and analysis. Partners can combine this information with other information you have provided or which they obtained as a result of you using their services. By using our website, you agree to placing these cookies on your computer / device.

Using cookies can be set up in your internet browser. Using your browser settings the cookies can be disabled or allowed to use only some of them. The law states that we may store cookies on your device if they are strictly necessary for the operation of this site. For all other kinds of cookies we need your permission.

Set up cookies on this website

Using cookies by WEB SHOP FLY

A cookie is a small text file that some websites store on your computer. The purpose of the cookies on this website is to improve the use of this site by our customers. Cookies identify specific information from previous visits on our website. The user’s person is not identifiable on the basis of this information. Cookies, for example, help our site to function properly in determining which pages and features are most commonly used; on which basis we can best adjust our offer to your requirements. WEB SHOP FLY respects the protection of your privacy.

Authorization / blocking all cookies

You can accept or reject cookies by changing your browser settings. However, if cookies are disabled, you will not be able to use all the interactive elements of our website.

Most new web browsers offer the ability to scan saved cookies through browser settings. If you need more information about cookies or want to know what cookies are stored on your device and how to manage and delete it, visit

Authorize / block / allow specific cookies

WEB SHOP FLY does everything for you to manage the cookies on our site, but this system is still in the development phase. For this transition period, we provide you with detailed information on all cookies on our website below. You will also find information about their purpose and, in specific cases, their deactivation options.

The cookie details on this page are based on cookies, which can be found in the International Chamber of Commerce’s Guide, according to which cookies are divided into the following categories - Strictly Necessary, Performance, Functionality, or Targeting.

The table below contains a description of the cookies we use and why we use them. The information is updated regularly, but if you find any discrepancy, please contact us.


Name Category Purpose of use Function Validity
_ga Functionality Used to distinguish the user Marketing 2 years
_gid Functionality User identification Marketing 24 hours
ssupp.animbnr Functionality Chat Customer support Session
ssupp.chatid Functionality Chat Customer support Session
ssupp.vid Functionality Chat Customer support 8 months
ssupp.vid Functionality Chat Customer support 8 months
AWSALB Strictly necessary Dostupnost aplikace Product 7 days
_hjIncluded InSample Functionality Improving the application Product Session

Strictly necessary: These cookies are necessary to move around the website and use special site features such as access to a secure site area. Without these basic cookies, some parts of the website can not be used. Permanent cookies are not generally used in this category unless it is really necessary.

Performance: These cookies allow a webpage to save user preferences like, for example, language settings. They provide the user with an enhanced and more individual use of the website. “Functional cookies” may include cookies providing services at the user’s request. These cookies can not collect information about the user’s activities on other websites.

Functionality: These cookies collect information about the user’s behavior. This information is part of the reports designed to improve websites. All accumulated data is anonymous. Targeted and advertising cookies: These cookies are used to represent an ad that is relevant to users and their interests. These cookies can also be used to store and measure the effectiveness of an ad campaign that the customer has become familiar with when visiting specific websites. This also makes it easier to communicate with potential advertisers.

Sharing tools

On the WEB SHOP FLY website you will find the option ‘share’ which allows users to share the content of the site with their friends through social networks like Facebook. These sites can set up their own cookies when you are logged in to their site. WEB SHOP FLY does not control cookies settings on this site. For more information about their cookies and how to manage them, please check these third party websites.


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